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Chapter Leaders:

First things first, we hope this communication finds you safe and healthy and thank you for your leadership during these challenging times. We need to keep in perspective what our country and the world is dealing with – we will persevere and come out of this stronger than ever if we stay the course. Our goal for this communication is twofold, (1) we want you to feel supported now and (2) ensure minimal disruption occurs when you return to your respective campuses. 

Phi Kappa Tau’s Chapter Services team stands ready to support you and your chapter during this time of rapid change and going forward once life returns to normal. We stand at the ready to answer questions, address concerns, and develop a plan of action so you are more prepared than ever when you return to campus – we are operating at 100% capacity so please take advantage of our team members as resources. 

We want to acknowledge receipt of a few questions regarding the Spring Bill and other invoices from the national fraternity. The intent of this communication is to address these questions in a timely manner. In addition, we will provide opportunities for further engagement at the end of this message.

We believe – and understand – some of the anxiety around billing has to do with chapter members not paying their dues; thus, causing a lack of cashflow for the chapter to be able to pay external invoices. We understand this is a legitimate concern for many and we’ve taken the following steps to assist.

  • Extensions - We are allowing chapters the ability to file for an extension – no questions asked! Chapters that are on a payment plan for the Spring Bill must emailTristan Conroy to confirm the extension and you will receive more information on the extension directly from Tristan.

  • No Late Fees - We will waive penalties on late payments if all payments are paid prior to the final payment date. In the Fall, we allowed for online eCheck payments for the first time. This process remains in place and is the easiest way to make a payment. Please contact Tristan Conroy  or your chapter’s success manager: Drake Berlin or Alex Haller if you need assistance with an eCheck payment.

  • No Additional Invoices - We will not issue any more chapter invoices this Spring 2020 term. While several chapters still have remaining balances, we want to focus on addressing outstanding balances versus issuing new invoices. 

  • Fall Bill - Please know and understand if for some reason you are not back on campus for a normal return to fall classes we will review the structure and timing of the fall bill.  As with many items today – there is too much uncertainty to say exactly how this will unfold.  

That said, please understand we are unable to refund or credit membership or chapter dues and here are just a few of the reasons why:

  • Long Term - We need to keep our vision toward the future and not solely the short term. We ask for your understanding around the importance of the national organization operating at full capacity now and when things return to normal, which comes at an expense.

  • Fixed Cost - As an organization, many of our expenses are pre-billed. Examples of these are the various insurance policies the organization carries (liability, member accident protection, directors & officers) and all the various educational programs (Presidents Academy, Regional Conferences, Leadership Academy, Convention, etc.). For example, we pay each of our insurance policy premiums in the fall and collect over the course of the academic year to make it more manageable for you.

  • Programming - Our summer programs (Leadership Academy & Convention) are still on. While these programs are being reviewed daily, their associated expenses remain. 

On April 1st, when a majority of spring breaks should be over, we will host a town hall meeting to connect you with your peers, talk with staff and discuss our future.  Click here to RSVP for more details. If there are any questions or comments prior to this town hall meeting, do not hesitate to contact your success manager

Best Regards,
Chapter Services Leadership Team

Tristan Conroy
Director of Chapter Services

Brandon Lewis 
Associate Director of Chapter Services