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Phi Kappa Tau’s volunteers are critical to the Fraternity’s success. Every day volunteers carry out the mission and vision of Phi Kappa Tau and ensure the Phi Tau experience is provided across our Nation. In order to ensure that Phi Kappa Tau continues to grow and prosper, the Fraternity must continue to expand its volunteer corp. Phi Kappa Tau offers several volunteer opportunities for its members to get re-engaged with the Fraternity and live out the mission of a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership and exemplary character.

We are always looking for volunteers at the local and national level. If you are interested in volunteering for your chapter, being considered for the National Council, or serving as a program facilitator, please submit the following application:

If you are interested in applying specifically for a Domain Director position, apply here:

Current Committee and Task Force Openings

You can find a description of the various roles and responsibilities of our volunteer positions below.

Domain Directors

Domain Directors are national-level volunteers that focus on the cultivation of engagement of Phi Kappa Tau alumni across the country. There are nine Domain Directors, each assigned to a geographic region. Domain Directors are charged with the creation and support of chapter-level Graduate Councils.

Board of Governors Chairman

The primary purpose of a Board of Governors Chairman is to maintain membership and organization of the BOG, provide a professional environment, to encourage compliance and improvement in regards to the Borradaile Challenge, and to communicate with constituencies (undergraduates, BOG members, Executive Offices, Fraternity/Sorority Life Advisors, Domain Directors, etc.).

Additional Responsible Include:

  • Pre-schedule and conduct monthly BOG meetings

  • Periodically review the chapter’s progress as it relates to the Borradaile Challenge, and then discuss with the Resident Council president where the group stands in each category

  • Ensure that the chapter has an active chapter advisor and that there is an open line of communication between the BOG and advisor

  • Conduct meetings with the chapter advisor twice a semester

  • Contact the school’s Fraternity/Sorority Life Advisor, or corresponding school official, monthly each semester to exchange relevant information about the chapter

  • Oversee the Resident Council as it devises long-range planning strategies, goals and objectives, and follow through on all progress made

Alumni Advisor

An Alumni Advisor serves to help the chapter develop, implement, and maintain all aspects of their alumni relations program. This can include:

  • Development of their chapter’s individual alumni relations program

  • Understand what may be important to alumni of different generations and be able to work across generational differences

  • Work with the Resident Council’s Vice President of Alumni Relations to produce quality alumni newsletters

  • Establish and maintain alumni fundraising for the chapter

  • Welcome newly graduated alumni into the Graduate Council and help them make the transition into the work world through a mentor program

  • Help with career development for graduating seniors, young alumni, and all other alumni who are seeking employment by providing job referrals and networking opportunities

Chapter Advisor

A Chapter Advisors’ primary role is to serve as the advisor to the Resident Council, coach undergraduate membership on values-based decision making, develop continuity in chapter leadership through orientation and officer transition programs, and provide undergraduate members with training and resource needs to ensure the best opportunity for success at the local level.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Explain the components of the Borradaile Challenge to the chapter

  • Discuss risk management guidelines with the chapter

  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the Fraternity’s Constitution and Statutes

  • Discuss and encourage the chapter’s participation with the Fraternity’s National Philanthropy

  • Explain the mission, creed, and Ritual to the chapter

  • Summarize the various resources that Phi Kappa Tau has to offer its local chapters and individual members

Faculty Advisor

A Faculty Advisor serves as a communication link between the chapter and the campus and ensures the chapter is meeting all national and campus academic policies, including officer eligibility. They may also serve as Scholarship Advisor to the Board of Governors.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Assists the Scholarship Chairman in supervising the implementation of the chapter’s scholarship program

  • Makes sure all resident council members and associates meet the National standard of a 2.5 grade point average prior to initiation

  • Recognizes members for noteworthy academic performance and improvement

  • Attends chapter meetings when available/ appropriate

financial advisor

The Financial Advisor sets the budget, provides oversight and member accountability to accounts receivable, and sets policy in regards to dues collection, payment plans, and any other applicable finical matter.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Working with the Treasurer to set a budget for the chapter that factors in National dues and any travel or registration costs to National Programs

  • Ensures that bills are being collected

  • Communication with the Member Services Coordinator to make sure the chapter is in good finical standing

  • Go through monthly bills, bank statements, and any other reoccurring financial matters

Recruitment Advisor

The Recruitment Advisor works in collaboration with undergraduate chapter leadership to establish an annual recruitment strategy, complete and submit that recruitment plan to the National Fraternity, and monitor adherence to the recruitment process throughout the year.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Coach and support undergraduate membership in proactive recruitment efforts

  • Provide feedback to the Fraternity on training and resources needed to ensure the best opportunities for success at the local level

  • Understand the 5-Step Recruitment Process supported by the National Fraternity

  • Participate regularly as a member of the Board of Governors through monthly meetings, consistent correspondence, etc.

  • Identify and leverage local alumni resources that can assist the chapter in recruitment initiatives.

prevention and wellness Advisor

The Prevention and Wellness Advisor must promote a safe chapter environment for members and guests, ensure the chapter (BOG and Resident Council) has a working knowledge of all risk management and liability policies, and be the primary contact for the chapter’s Prevention and Wellness Chair and/or Social Chairman

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Having a strong working knowledge of Phi Kappa Tau risk management policy and general liability insurance coverage

  • Prepare and review the Prevention and Wellness Chair with a crisis management plan

  • Ensure the chapter Executive Council are knowledgeable of the crisis management plan

  • Ensure the chapter hosts all four of the required risk management educational seminars and submit the corresponding risk management report form

Scholarship Advisor

The primary purpose of a Scholarship Advisor is to promote an academic environment within the chapter, be a specialist in scholarship resources for members, and monitor the chapter’s academic records.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Developing and sustaining a chapter scholarship program

  • Serve as a resource person for the chapter by identifying, locating, and providing academic resources

  • Working with the Resident Council’s Scholarship Chairman to monitor members’ grades and communication between meetings

  • Summon members who fall below a 2.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to BOG meetings to discuss chapter expectations and potential suspension

Housing Corp Application for Property Insurance

Instructions for Application for Property Insurance