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Awards & Recognition

The Fraternity has many exceptional members and chapters/associate chapters who display the true meaning of Phi, Kappa, and Tau and it is because of these efforts that the Fraternity continues to grow, not only in numbers, but in strength. From this, the Awards Committee has designated more than 30 different awards to recognize our greatest achievements.

All awards are listed below, for easy navigation to a specific award click here.

If you wish to nominate another person for an award, please put “their name nominated by your name.” For example, “Todd Smith nominated by John Franklin.”

Awards are based off performance on a calendar year basis (January-December).

Annual award applications are due no later than Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 at Midnight ET.

Resident Council Awards - no application required

Academic Excellence Award

Presented annually to those chapters and associate chapters which exhibit an outstanding record of academic achievement. To receive this award, the GPA of the chapter or associate chapter must be:

  • Above the campus all-men’s average and/or

  • Have a cumulative GPA above a 3.0.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Frederick R. Fletemeyer Prize

Named for F.R. Fletemeyer, Illinois ’16, this award is presented to the Fraternity’s outstanding associate chapter each year.

This award is presented in the form of a plaque.

Maxwell Scroll

A scroll is given to the chapters that meet Maxwell expectations on the Borradaile Challenge. The Maxwell Scroll is awarded to recognize those chapters that meet the highest expectations on a number of criteria.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Monroe Moosnick Scholarship Trophy

This award honors Dr. Monroe Moosnick, Transylvania ’53, a former national education director and long-time chapter advisor and member of the Board of Governors at Theta chapter. This award is presented to the chapter that has the highest cumulative GPA as determined from the chapter scholarship report.

This award comes in the form of a traveling trophy and plaque for the chapter to keep.

Order of the Star Scroll

A scroll is given to the chapters who meet Order of the Star expectations on the Borradaile Challenge. The Order of the Star Scroll is awarded to recognize those chapters that exceed basic expectations on a number of criteria.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Paul Newman Award

Presented to recognize the chapter that raises the highest dollar amount to benefit the SeriousFun Children’s Network. Named in honor of Hole in the Wall Camps (now SeriousFun) founder Paul Newman, Ohio ’43.

This award is in the form of a plaque.

Norm W. Brown Philanthropy Award

Presented annually to those chapters and associate chapters that exhibit success in the area of philanthropy. To receive this award, the chapter’s philanthropy contribution must exceed $2,000.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards

This distinction acknowledges and celebrates exemplary programming or activity in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion from a Phi Kappa Tau chapter in their community with clear positive impacts in areas because of these efforts.

Resident Council Awards - application required

Roland Maxwell Outstanding Chapter

The Roland Maxwell Trophy is the highest chapter honor that the Fraternity grants. The winning chapter will be awarded the traveling trophy. The Maxwell applicants will be reviewed by their ability to meet Maxwell expectations and/or at the discretion of the Awards Committee. Maxwell finalists will be invited to make a presentation at National Convention or Conclave. The best chapter will have the distinction of being the Maxwell Trophy recipient. All other applicants that meet the criteria will receive a Maxwell Scroll.

The trophy memorializes Roland Maxwell, Southern California ’22, who was national president from 1934-59, former North-American Interfraternity Council chairman (president) and winner of the NIC Gold Medal for Distinguished Service.

Apply here.

The Harold E. Angelo Most improved chapter award

The Harold E. Angelo Award is presented annually to the most improved chapter in Phi Kappa Tau. The award is memorializes Harold “Hap” Angelo, a graduate of Mississippi State who served as the 22nd National President from 1959 to 1962.

Apply here.

Ross E. Roeder Outstanding Board of Governors Award

Recognizes those Boards of Governors that have made outstanding contributions to the Resident Council. This award can be used by the undergraduate officers to thank the Board of Governors that have made the chapter more effective.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Richard Massock Award

The Massock Award is presented to recognize the most outstanding chapter-hosted alumni event from the previous calendar year. The award honors Richard G. Massock, Illinois ’17, former Associated Press correspondent and bureau chief, who served as editor of Sidelights, forerunner of The Laurel.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Jack Jareo Award

The Jareo Award is named in honor of former The Laurel editor and communication professional Jack Jareo, Illinois ’26. This award is presented in recognition of the most outstanding chapter-produced newsletter(s) and overall alumni communications.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Best New Associate Class Award

Presented to a chapter or associate chapter’s entire Associate class who joined Phi Kappa Tau during the previous calendar year. This class would have already contributed to the chapter or associate chapter’s success since joining the Fraternity. For an Associate class to be eligible, they must have an association date from the previous calendar year.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Alumni Awards - no application required

Thomas L. Stennis II Award

Named for former Domain Director and National President Thomas L. Stennis II, Mississippi State ’58, is presented to one Domain Director for the most outstanding domain program. Nominations may be made by the chapters, Boards of Governors to the Executive Offices staff.

This award is in the form of a plaque.

Outstanding associate chapter Advisor Award

Presented annually to outstanding associate chapter advisors and recognizes outstanding contributions to an associate chapter.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Palm Award

Presented in recognition of outstanding service to the National Organization and is the Fraternity’s highest recognition of an alumnus.

Taylor A. Borradaile Alumnus Award

A Graduate Council member or members of the National Council may submit nominations (in the form of a letter to the Chief Executive Officer) for this award, which recognizes up to three alumni for outstanding achievement in their field of endeavor.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Alumni Awards- application required

Dr. Edgar Ewing Brandon Award

Presented in recognition of outstanding advisors who have served in the role for a minimum of two years. Any person that is listed with the Executive Offices in an advisory role with the chapter is eligible (ex. scholarship advisor, finance advisor, etc.). The award is in the form of a scroll and up to five may be presented in a year. This award is named for Dr. Edgar Ewing Brandon, Miami ’06, the Fraternity’s first chapter advisor, known as the “Architect of Phi Kappa Tau.”

This award is in the form of a scroll and up to five may be presented in a year. Past recipients are not eligible for nomination.

Apply here.

Key Award

Presented by the Fraternity in recognition of outstanding service by an alumnus to a chapter other than his own. The alumnus must have served the chapter for a minimum of three years.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Phi Award

Presented by the Fraternity to an alumnus for outstanding service to his own chapter. The alumnus must have served the chapter for a minimum of three years.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Undergraduate Awards - No Application required

Greg Hollen associate chapter President Award

Presented in recognition of an associate chapter president for general administrative excellence and is named in honor of Greg Hollen, Maryland ’75, past National President.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

John F. cosgrove Spirit and Leadership Award

An award, established by John F. Cosgrove, Florida ’68, to recognize the man (or men) who best demonstrates the spirit of Leadership Academy. It is only given at the Leadership Academy sessions.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.


This award is to recognize and reward members of Phi Kappa Tau Chapters for contributions to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in their communities.

Undergraduate Awards - application required

William H. Shideler Award

The Fraternity’s highest undergraduate honor, presented annually to the most outstanding graduating senior in Phi Kappa Tau who graduated in the December or May prior to receiving this award during the annual summer gathering (National Convention or Conclave). It memorializes Honored Founder William H. Shideler, Miami ’06.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Dwight I. Douglass President Award

This award recognizes a chapter president for general administrative excellence and memorializes Honored Founder Dwight I. Douglass, Miami ’06. Judging is on a calendar basis, as officers are elected between Oct. 15 and Dec. 15.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Jack L. Anson Undergraduate Award

Presented in recognition of an undergraduate member for outstanding interfraternal service to his Greek community. The award memorializes Jack L. Anson, Colgate ’47, who joined the Fraternity’s professional staff in 1948 and began an unprecedented 22-year career with Phi Kappa Tau as Field Secretary, Assistant National Secretary and then Executive Director. During this period, he also served as editor of The Laurel. In late 1970, he was named the first executive director of the North-American Interfraternity Conference. At his death in 1990, he was serving on the Fraternity’s National Council, had been named president-elect and was writing the 20th edition of Baird’s Manual of American College Fraternities.

Apply here.

Taylor A. Borradaile Undergraduate Memorial Award

Presented to any undergraduate member (does not have to be an officer) during the previous calendar year who contributed to the chapter’s overall success, led by example and demonstrated a true understanding of brotherhood.

This award is given in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Best New Associate member Award

This award recognizes a member who joined Phi Kappa Tau during the previous calendar year who has already demonstrated individual success and has helped with the overall chapter or associate chapters success since joining the Fraternity. The member applying should have an Association date during the previous calendar year.

This award is presented in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Clinton D. Boyd VPAR Award

This award is presented to the individual who, as vice president for alumni relations, develops and implements the best alumni relations program for his chapter. Judging is on a calendar-year basis, as officers are elected between Oct. 15 and Dec. 15, according to the Constitution. The award memorializes Honored Founder Clinton D. Boyd, Miami ’06.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Non-Member Awards - no application required

Outstanding Advisor to a Chapter Award

Presented in recognition of an outstanding advisors to chapters who have served a minimum of two years. Any person that is listed with the Executive Offices in an advisory role with the chapter is eligible (ex. scholarship advisor, finance advisor, etc.).

This award is in the form of a scroll and up to five may be presented in a year. Past recipients are not eligible for nomination.

John M. Green Undergraduate Award

Presented in recognition of a non-member for their lifelong contribution to interfraternal spirit.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Outstanding Greek Advisor Award

Recognizes a Fraternity/Sorority Life affairs professional who has gone above and beyond in his/her duties to develop a strong Greek community on a college/university campus where there is a Phi Kappa Tau chapter/associate chapter. This is an opportunity for chapters/associate chapters to recognize outstanding contributions made by those individuals who work with our groups on a daily basis.

The award is in the form of a scroll.

Non-Member Awards - application required

William D. Jenkins Interfraternity Excellence Award

Presented in recognition of a non-member, undergraduate student for contributions to the Greek community. The award is named in honor of William D. Jenkins, Bowling Green ’57. Jenkins has served Phi Kappa Tau as a Leadership Consultant, Executive Director, Executive Vice President of the Foundation and Centennial Coordinator. He is also one of two members of Phi Kappa Tau to serve the North-American Interfraternity Conference as president. “Mr. Bill,” as he is known, has also been awarded the Jack Anson Award from Association of Fraternity Advisors and the Distinguished Service Award from Fraternity Executives Association. The Fraternity may recognize three recipients per academic year.

This award is in the form of a scroll.

Apply here.

Individual Awards - no application required

Presidential Citation

A special award in the form of a scroll, presented at the discretion of the National President.