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FAQs for Parents

We understand you may have questions about your son’s journey with Phi Tau and we’re happy to answer them. Here are five of our most commonly asked questions by parents.


What will it cost me?

Our fee structure for existing chapters has recently been updated. You can review it here.

New associate chapter members are only expected to pay their association fee their first semester.

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Will my son be hazed?

Phi Kappa Tau has a zero tolerance hazing policy. We allocate staff resources to address this concern through education, prevention, and leadership. At each phase of Phi Tau membership we stress the importance of acceptance, dignity, and preventing problems before they arise.

From the beginning of a new associate chapter, anti-hazing culture is set as a precedent for the group. Our membership orientation program is focused on making better men. It is our goal, through leadership development and a core belief in the innate worth of an individual, that our members celebrate and hold one another in esteem. We set educational measures in place from an associate chapter’s origin to ensure that the group’s culture is both sustainable and successful.

Our full statement can be found on our Governance and Policy page. If you feel as though your son’s chapter has developed or is forming an unhealthy culture, please fill out the Report a Concern form. It will be handled immediately by our Director of Chapter Services.

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Will it affect my son’s grades?

Yes - for the better.

Membership to a Greek organization helps students academically, rather than hinder them. Phi Tau has a minimum 2.5 GPA required for membership, yet our national average is a 3.0. Additionally, your son will be more likely to stay in school and more likely to graduate. While the national college graduation rate hovers around 72%, Phi Kappa Tau boasts a 92% graduation rate. Your son will also be more likely to return to campus the following his affiliation with the fraternity. Phi Tau members see an 85% retention rate, compared to the national average of 59%.

We stress academics in our culture. Phi Tau chapter reports take GPAs into account and they are factored into our performance reports and considered in our chapter awards. The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation offers over 60 academic scholarships and grants, which are awarded and can be applied to annually, in addition to scholarships offered at the chapter level. Foundation scholarship applications are accepted and awarded each spring. Visit our scholarship page to find out more information.

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What are they getting out of it?

For over a century, Phi Kappa Tau has been developing men of character into Men of Distinction. Our goal is to take strong men on campus and help them achieve all they can be by providing them with opportunities for networking, career advancement, and leadership development.

Our goal is not to mold students into a set definition of what it means to be a fraternity man; rather, we want your sons to allow Phi Tau to be a tool that furthers their own unique skills and journeys. We want our members to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives - academically, personally, and professionally. We have successful alumni in every field and path imaginable - politicians, lawyers, doctors as well as actors, astronauts, broadcasters, and numerous other endeavors.

The Greek system is one of the largest networking platforms across the United States with an estimated 9 million members. Phi Kappa Tau accounts for over 100,000 of those. That’s 100,000+ brothers your son can go to for career opportunities, advice, and relationship building. There are active alumni groups at the local and national level for your son to turn support and connections.

Being a Phi Tau is not just a benefit for one or two years - it’s a lifelong commitment to learning, service, ethical leadership, and exemplary character. With Phi Tau, your son is going to make the most of his college experience while emanating a strong identity in the classroom, and ultimately being more prepared for success after college.

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How does it work?

We’re looking to build around a group of men who, like your son, are looking for more than a stereotypical experience with their Fraternity. When we are expanding to new schools, the first step for membership begins with an interview with one of our national representatives on campus at your sons convenience. This is to ensure that the relationship with Phi Tau is mutually beneficial. Our goal is to meet with every potential new member so we can make certain we are building the most quality group possible. After that, your son will begin his association process, the first step on the road to becoming a member of Phi Tau. From there, we will teach them how to manage their experience, focus on leadership development, and begin the formation of the chapter.

Phi Tau is always seeking campus partners committed to challenging the status quo. If your son is looking to bring Phi Tau to his campus or join an established chapter, take a second to fill out our interest form so we can connect you with the appropriate leadership.

If you are interested in being a part of this journey with your son, consider becoming a volunteer on our chapter advisory boards, called the Board of Governors. Each Board of Governors is unique and specific to the chapter it manages, but Phi Tau Boards are always looking for engaging, active volunteers to fill specific needs, such as finance, health and wellness, or recruitment. Details about the specific positions can be found here.