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What is your impression of fraternity life on today’s campus? Your expectations are likely shaped by several different things: your own educational experience, stories in the media, and pop culture portrayals of Greek organizations (“Animal House,” “Old School” and TV’s “Greek”). Despite the stereotypical Animal House image that is often portrayed, the true Phi Kappa Tau experience is centered on our collective acceptance of the values of the organization.

For the vast majority of Phi Kappa Tau members, their fraternity experience provides the home-away-from-home that most young men seek. It gives them a connection to their campuses. Their grades are often above the average on campus. Phi Kappa Tau provides meaningful friendships, outlets for campus involvement, and opportunities for leadership development. Collectively, the young men in our chapters have raised more than $300,000 for charitable organizations and amassed more than 200,000 hours of community service over the past four years.

There are also times, however, when a parent is concerned about some aspect of the Fraternity. To be sure, Phi Kappa Tau devotes many of its resources to creating awareness about issues that are prevalent on college campuses today – alcohol use, academic achievement, safety, and more. We offer many different programs, both in-person and online, that offer students and volunteers consistent and valuable information. Should you have any questions about Phi Kappa Tau, or fraternity life in general, please also feel free to contact the Phi Kappa Tau Executive Offices at

We know that it is most important for our undergraduate members to have people in their lives that continually remind them of the fraternal values of Phi Kappa Tau and encourage them to make good decisions in college and in life. We hope that you will also talk to your son about his Fraternity experience – the highs, the lows, the things that he wishes he could change, and the things that he values most of all.

Parents Email Opt-In


Phi Kappa Tau values all of our volunteers, especially those who give their time without the benefits of membership. If you are interested in furthering the mission of Phi Kappa Tau as a parent, please visit the volunteer page.


Phi Kappa Tau takes the behavior of its’ members seriously. If you have reason to believe that there is hazing occurring, or you have questions regarding activities that may not be in line with Phi Kappa Tau values, report them. In line with Phi Kappa Tau’s Privacy Policy, you have the option to remain anonymous. You can also call the Phi Kappa Tau Executive Offices at (513) 523-4193.

Chapter Information

Phi Kappa Tau is a membership development organization that is dedicated to meeting the mission of the Fraternity: To champion a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, learning, ethical leadership and exemplary character. Through attaining the mission of the Fraternity, we are called to uphold standards of conduct as outlined in the Constitution and Statutes as well as the Ritual of the Fraternity. Additionally, members are expected to abide by the policies and regulations of their college or university and to hold each other accountable to those same standards. Chapters that have been reported to have allegedly compromised the standards of conduct are immediately suspended pending an investigation (per standard Fraternity policy).

Below you will find chapter conduct reports that outline alleged chapter violations by academic year. In each of these cases, members were alleged to have failed to live by our mission and uphold our standards of conduct. If applicable, sanctions are listed from the National Fraternity, or the University.

  • (In Alphabetical Order by Institution Name)

    Baldwin Wallace
    Chico State
    Colorado State
    East Central Oklahoma
    Georgia Tech
    Nebraska Wesleyan
    Ohio State
    Oklahoma State
    Penn State