Volunteer Officers of Phi Kappa Tau Housing Corporations:

The Fraternity continues to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our campus communities, prompting our host-institutions to alter their operations.  This largely includes cancelling of in-person classes (for most – through the end of the Spring 2020 academic term), limiting large group gatherings (CDC recommendations of not more than 50, White House Task Force recommendation of 10 or fewer) and other steps which effectively close the campuses. 

To our knowledge – Phi Kappa Tau has not had any reported cases of Coronavirus within our membership or at a residential location.  Maintaining the safest possible environment for our members is at the forefront of our recommendations. 

In a majority of cases, the administration/local or state authorities have taken steps to remove students from campus.  If unsure, contact campus officials for clarification and/or direction regarding chapter house facilities. We suggest that all chapters and house corporations follow the directions provided by host institutions.

  • House Corporation officers are responsible for making the decision to close a chapter facility in consultation with the chapter and campus.

  • Determine with campus officials if it is appropriate for students to remain in the facility if classes are cancelled or moved to online platforms. Also determine housing options for students who are not able to return home.

  • If closing the house, work to ensure the safety and security of the facility, referencing seasonal reminders for housing security.

    • In most cases the items on the referenced checklist can be accomplished by local residents (a combination of undergraduate members/officers and the alumni volunteers).

  • If necessary, work to provide students the opportunity to retrieve personal property before returning home.

  • Review rental agreements/contracts and begin to develop a plan for collections and vendors in the event of a long-term closure.

  • Review any relevant or related insurance coverages.

  • Prior to reopening the property, ensure proper cleaning and regular opening procedures.

If your facility is still hosting residents, we suggest that you consider the following:

  • Follow all guidance provided by the CDC, state/province/local authorities and/or the college or university. If you have not already, we suggest that a member of the house corporation contact the college/university regarding recommendations specific to the campus.

  • Encourage members of the chapter to review the everyday preventive actions recommended by the CDC to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.

  • In the case a member living in, or an employee working in, the housing facility is feeling ill, or is diagnosed with COVID-19, alert local officials and follow their recommendations.

  • Individuals should not be quarantined in a chapter house, nor would it be allowed if there was a known case of the coronavirus. Local authorities will be in the best position to provide guidance as to where members should/could be quarantined.

  • Should the coronavirus be present in any facility, the facility needs to be properly decontaminated prior to approved re-entry.

  • Review all contracts and contact your vendors (food service, cleaning, etc.) to understand your obligations and with any concerns or questions regarding scheduling impacts due to COVID-19.

Related to Insurance coverage implications – I have attached two documents that will be useful…both from our Insurance partner – Holmes Murphy. 

  1. The Vacancy Resources outlines that the carriers are not invoking any early vacancy clauses – and have provided guidance that should be followed in the event your house is/will be vacant earlier than normal (which will impact many/most groups).  

  2. Business Income – Extra Expense Resource – which will give you a breakdown of how these policies are triggered and what you need to know. 

Finally – and this may provide welcome news related to the information in the Business Income attachment – there is a good deal of work being done in Washington that might have direct impact to our industry.  See the below as provided by the Government Relations & Legal Advocacy recent update (3.20.2020)

Legislation related to COVID-19:  The North American InterFraternity Conference (NIC) is working closely with the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC – women’s orgs) and Arnold & Porter (A&P – our lobbying firm) to monitor stimulus legislation that may impact our industry – from inter/national organization to house corporations, to trade associations.  The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was introduced yesterday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).  NIC, NPC, and A&P have reviewed and analyzed the legislation.  CARES contains small business interruption loans that could significantly benefit our industry.  Leader McConnell was, as of the writing of the message, on Senate Floor stating CARES is now in member-level discussion (i.e., negotiation).  Senate Democrats have released their own small-business aid package.  WE have learned that the goal is to strike a deal by midnight tonight, vote on passage Monday, and move it over to the House.  It seems probable that the final bill will have provisions impacting our industry.  

              We will:  (NIC) 

    1. Provide a summary and guidance regarding the legislation’s impact on our industry; and

    2. Assess potential advocacy efforts as this moves, keeping in mind that this is moving especially rapidly. 

 The Phi Kappa Tau Executive Offices team is here to support your local corporations decisions on a case by case basis. The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 is a challenge for us all and we will work to provide certainty wherever possible. We appreciate your patience and support.  Know that my office is open and operating on a full-time schedule. Our Staff members are available to field questions from Chapter Officers/members and are encouraging each group to find ways to maintain interaction (virtual), and connection to the membership.  

Let us all remember to do our part in representing these lines from the creed…I shall be a good and loyal citizen…I shall try always to discharge the obligation to others…and may you each be healthy and safe as this outbreak continues to unfold.  

 In Phi,

Tim Hudson
Chief Executive Officer