The Road to a New Strategic Plan

Op-Ed by Michael Lummus, Belmont ’06 

National Councilor Michael Lummus, Belmont ’06

Like most Phi Taus, my journey with the fraternity started by a chance encounter with brothers on my local campus – in my case, at a student activities fair. Even before I fully appreciated the tangible benefits the national organization provided, I always felt an immense pride in the history, legacy, and bigger picture that Phi Kappa Tau afforded beyond my campus grounds.  

Since then, I’ve consistently found myself fortunate and humbled by the experiences and opportunities to serve, which Phi Tau has afforded me. As an undergraduate, chartering the Zeta Alpha chapter at Belmont University, participating at the Centennial Convention, and receiving the Shideler Award were genuine highlights of my college experience. As an alumnus, my convictions in the value of Phi Tau only deepened with the opportunity to host a national convention in my hometown of Nashville, foster countless new Phi Tau friendships and mentorships, partake in educational programs and committees, and serve on the National Council. I truly believe we belong to a remarkable fraternity with extraordinary, unlocked potential. 

Over the past year or so, I’ve had the pleasure of leading an effort by the National Council to develop a new Strategic Plan to progress our Fraternity to 2025 and beyond. We set out by examining where we sit today, the environment and trends on college campuses, and contemplating some big and important questions, such as: 

  • Where do we envision the fraternity in 5-10 years? 

  • How can we provide more clarity, confidence, and alignment across a diverse national organization?  

  • How do we build differentiated experiences upon the demonstrable benefits of fraternity membership? 

  • How do we confront the existential threats of hazing, substance misuse, and sexual misconduct? 

  • How can we expedite the accomplishment of our goals with finite resources? 

Through the much-appreciated inputs of numerous stakeholders—including the National Council, Undergraduate Advisory Board, Foundation Trustees, Executive Office staff, Domain Directors, and others—the National Council adopted a new and exciting Strategic Plan for the Fraternity at its November 2021 meeting in Los Angeles. 

The direction we are setting out will impact not just what we aspire to do, but fundamentally change how we plan, execute, and quantify our successes. In the coming days, we’ll be sharing the details of Phi Kappa Tau’s new Strategic Plan and how it will advance our brotherhood. Organizational growth, the value we provide our members and chapters, and the excellence with which we’ll operate will see significant strides in the aspiring new plan. Our intent is to set out an ambitious path, harnessing the creativity and skills of each chapter and our thousands of members to get there— a sight to which I greatly look forward.