Let's Get Serious About SeriousFun

An Op-Ed by National Service Advisor Matt Parker, Evansville ’93

National Service Advisor Matt Parker, Evansville ’93

Paul Newman. Many of you may know the name, but not the person, actor, and true friend of Phi Tau. If you'd like to know the person, more importantly the actor, I'd say ask your mother or, perhaps, your grandmother. Just say, "Paul Newman" and I guarantee they will reply "Old Blue Eyes". 

You see, our Brother founded SeriousFun Children's Network and it has been our philanthropy for several years. This year, however, as your National Service Advisor, a 22-year volunteer at several camps, and a board member for Double H Ranch, I’ll be ensuring we get serious about SeriousFun. 

Just what is a day, week, or summer when volunteering at a SeriousFun camp? I simply can't describe it. You see, I volunteered for the first time 22 years ago. Now, I am old, but have already signed up for this summer at the age of 47. I never knew what I was in for. In fact, the first night I was exhausted. As a banker by trade, and having no kids of my own, I didn't think I could do it.  My bunkmate that year, Patrick, said it's ok to go home, you tried... or, you can wake up and just jump into it. I woke up. As I said, that was 22 years ago, and I got serious about SeriousFun. Since that decision, there have been days of little girls painting my shaved head (which I do to raise money for the camps), wearing Elsa dresses on the ropes course, and eating breakfast bowls of oatmeal, hot sauce, sausage, yogurt, and ketchup. I'd have it no other way. 
With March being the Founders Month of Service, there's always something you can do in your local community, even if it doesn’t involve a SeriousFun camp. Whether it be at a local homeless shelter, a place for disadvantaged kids, or merely raking leaves for your elderly neighbors—it is all service. That is what Phi Kappa Tau is all about, and that is what Paul was about, "the benevolent service to others". 
So, join me, our Leadership, and brothers of all ages in getting serious about SeriousFun. 

Let’s do what Paul always said, "I just want to give these kids a chance to Raise a Little Hell!”