Richardson and Pfeffer on election day.
As a first-time candidate for political office in Tennessee, John D. Richardson, Tennessee '97, reached out to active brother Chris Hilton, Tennessee '20, (VP of Alumni Relations) with the Delta Kappa chapter of Phi Kappa Tau at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. As a UT alumnus, John shared with Chris that he was a political candidate in need of volunteers for Election Day on Thursday, August 4, 2022. John sent Chris an overview of what the volunteer opportunity entailed and the gear (campaign shirt and hat) that volunteers would receive for volunteering. Chris sent a message out to all of the active Delta Kappa chapter brothers that lived in the greater Nashville, TN area, since everyone was still back home enjoying their Summer vacation.
Current Delta Kappa chapter active brother, Gehrig Pfeffer, Tennessee '21, responded to Chris' message.
On Election Day, Gehrig drove over an hour from Clarksville, TN to the polling location in Nashville, TN and arrived promptly at 6:45am before the polls opened at 7:00 am.
Throughout the day, Gehrig helped voters learn about his fellow Phi Kappa Tau brother, John D. Richardson, and shared with them why they should vote for him. It was a hot, sunny day standing in the parking lot of a local church in Nashville, with the temperature passing well over 90 degrees.
After a long day of holding a 2ft by 3 ft election sign, the Phi Kappa Tau team of Gehrig and John were able to secure more than 75% of the votes at that polling location which in-turn helped John secure a win over his opponent with a 142 vote margin.
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 8:00am, John and Gehrig connected for breakfast at a First Watch restaurant in Brentwood, TN.
Over breakfast, they discussed their shared experience on Election Day, the film projects that Gehrig is working on as a college student, and John introduced Gehrig to a friend of his that may be able to help him further his career in the film industry.
Gehrig's willingness to assist a Brother in need and be his "Brother's Keeper" paid off with a new life-long friendship and potentially helping Gehrig advance in his career.
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