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Chapter Services Announces Fall 2022 Fee Structure

Along with compiling the financial information needed for chapters to calculate their budgets, the Chapter Services team has also included a detailed explanation of where their investment goes. Read more below or download the comprehensive pdf here.

2022 Fall Fee Structure

Member Fees

  • One-time

    • Associate/Affiliation Fee: $250 (for new associates only)

Total: $250

Per Semester

  • Member Dues: $87.50

  • Housing: $7.50

  • Insurance: $160 ($70-$160 in Spring)

Total: $255

Chapter Fees

  • Chapter Dues: $500

  • Education Pool: $765

  • Conference Pool: $510

  • NIC Dues: $176

Total: $1,951

Understanding your Bill

To calculate what members may pay, Use the following formula: 255+ (1951/X)

X= amount of members in your chapter

Example: Chapter with 35 members

255 + (1951/35) = ~310.74

A Breakdown of Fees

Associate/Initiation Fee

Associate Fee: $250 per member

This covers your initiation cost, membership badge, and insurance for being a member of Phi Kappa Tau.


Insurance cost: $160 per member (with applicable discounts every Spring semester)

The provided insurance policies are for Liability, D&O and Member Accident Protection that apply to chapters/members in the event of injury, incidents, etc. All national fraternal organizations provide insurance, and the cost is relatively the same for all groups.

It is important to note that there are available Spring semester insurance discounts. These discounts will still be applied based on the dollar amounts from previous years. You can learn more about insurance discounts below:

• Host/Participate in all 4 Risk Prevention seminars – Save $15 per member during the spring semester.

• Have a clean 2-year record (no Risk Prevention Policy violations within the past two years) – Save $15 per member during the spring semester.

• No chapter house – Save $45 per member during the spring semester.

• Alcohol-Free chapter house – Save $30 per member during the spring semester.

*Note for housed chapters, needs to be included in chapter bylaws

• Alcohol-Free chapter operations (all chapter events/activities/housing is alcohol-free) – Save $60 per member during the spring semester.

*Note needs to be included in chapter bylaws

• Have a live-in advisor if you have a house – Save $5 per member during the spring semester.

Housing Fee

$7.50 per member

The housing fee is collected and used to help support a lending partner organization. The funds are made available to housing corporations that seek loans for property improvement, enhanced safety features and/or assistance in securing property.

Member Dues

$87.50 per member

This cost covers items such as Portal (ChapterSpot), Plaid partnerships, and more.

Educational Programming Dues

Educational Pool: $765 + Conference Pool: $510 = $1,275

This covers the costs of our programming. In 2023 we are planning to rollout new educational programming and look forward to presenting new curriculum along with educational opportunities.

One specific way you can help save costs is by utilizing your Chapter Educational Grant (CEG) Fund. This chapter-specific fund is hosted by the Phi Kappa Tau Foundation and given the chapter has the necessary funds, they can be used to help cover portions of this cost. While the cost of educational programs for Spring 2023 is still being configured, this number will help to provide needed funding for your chapter's participants.

NIC Dues

$176 per chapter

The NIC (North American Interfraternity Conference) is our Fraternity trade organization which consists of over 66 men’s fraternities. The majority of our peer organizations are members of the NIC. The NIC provides a lot of resources to the national organization and our staff. From staff training workshops/conferences to Fraternity legislation with our peers at the local/state/federal level, this organization is committed to the betterment of Fraternity life across the country. In turn, our organization is committed to being on the ground floor and having a voice in the future of fraternities as it will surely impact our organization directly.

Chapter Dues


Each chapter gets a very similar level of services, products, and solutions no matter the size of the chapter or host institution. While some of these products may not have been utilized in the past by chapters, they are provided to all chapters which can provide insight on this fee. Below are some examples of services, products, and solutions that are currently available.

Portal (ChapterSpot). A one-stop shop for member management and chapter organization. Here are some of the features that are available today:

  • Roster Management

  • Service Hours Tracking

  • Points Tracker for members

  • Recruitment Pipeline management

  • Fully-branded, customizable chapter websites

  • Submitting reports to Executive Offices

  • Calendar tool

  • Communications tool

  • Debt Collections tool

  • Online Resource Library

Success Manager. Chapters have a single point-of-contact with their Success Manager whose primary role is to help ensure the success of all chapters.

  • Currently there are 3 staff members, allowing for a smaller ratio and better support for more officers/advisors.

Member Planet. Chapter’s that have an active Graduate Council are eligible to participate in a better way for alumni to connect, communicate, fundraise, host events, etc.

  • This will allow for more alumni touchpoints and grow the potential advisor pool, fundraise to help provide financial resources for the chapter, and a way to communicate in mass/individually so alumni can remain active in the chapter experience.

Salesforce database. Our organization is committed to the #1 database in the world to help provide a central location to track our nearly 100,000 members.

  • We utilize our database to track things like member contact information, donation history for accounting purposes, and can more easily provide information, run reports/analytics, etc.

National Online Payment Portal. We provide an online payment portal for chapters so they can pay the national fraternity online, view statements, view past invoices & payment history, set up automatic payments, etc.

Crowd Change. An online fundraising tool that is free for chapters to use with much lower rates than its competitors such as CrowdRise, GoFundMe, Eventbrite, etc.

  • This is a gamechanger for philanthropy events and general fundraising strategies that chapters want to do. This platform allows you to sell tickets for events as well.

Better Volunteer Resources. We know a strong chapter typically has a strong group of Board of Governors members. Our online certification program has been updated.

Additional Staff members. We know there are other areas that we need staff support for (i.e., alumni relations, event management/logistics, growth, etc.) to help successfully meet the goals set within the strategic plan, and more specifically the priorities.

We are expanding to new campuses. One of the priorities is continued growth by (re)starting new chapters

More support for current chapter growth. Another priority is helping support the current chapter’s recruitment efforts by providing additional and intentional support/coaching in this area.

  • This past semester, we performed nine in-person chapter recruitment retreats and are eager for this number to increase.

Better Scholarship/Awards application process. We have recognized that scholarship and award applications have been clunky in the past and are excited to continue utilizing smarter select and continuing to update and make the process easier!

More resources*. We recognize the fact there is a need for more resources on a variety of different topics from recruitment to prevention/wellness to leadership development to career development. The organization needs to be able to be prepared to meet those needs swiftly versus not being able to meet the needs because there is not money available.