A Message to the Brotherhood

Dear Brothers,

I write to you today with the saddest of heart. A young brother of ours passed to chapter eternal. Brother Max Pennebaker, an undergraduate member of Alpha Chi Chapter at Mississippi State University, is and has been loved by many. A building construction science major, Max was initiated as our brother in January of this year and lived at the fraternity house. Max’s passing is a particularly hard blow to our brothers of Alpha Chi, as it has only been since July 18th that Barry Toney, a beloved Alpha Chi graduate brother and long-time devoted BOG and Housing Corporation volunteer, met an unexpected and tragic death.

I invite all of us - - all Phi Tau brothers across this country - - to join in prayer and solidarity with our graduate and undergraduate brothers of Alpha Chi as well as Max’s family and friends. I and CEO Matt Arnold spoke with Alpha Chi President Jack Flower last night as well as Housing Corporation President Dennis Daniels. Both are coping as well as can be expected, but our hearts go out for our hurting brothers. I plan on visiting the brothers of Alpha Chi on Tuesday of next week. As of last night, we don’t have a date for Max’s service.

These moments call upon us to revisit our feeling of why we have chosen to be part of this brotherhood. Just five weeks ago, I traveled to Dallas with several other Phi Tau brothers to attend the funeral service of Chris Moncrief, a Phi Tau brother who died in a tragic car accident. We arrived early and sat in an empty church awaiting family and friends to arrive. The eerie extended silence ultimately was broken when I began to hear the sounds of heels walking into the church and up the center aisle. For a while, the sounds of heels sounding the arrival of loved ones were the only sound we all heard. It was during those moments when it occurred to me that Chris’ spirit was speaking to me, using the sounds of loved ones who arrived to remember this great man.

I tell you all this because my experience in Chris’ unexpected passing weaved into my experience of the tragic passing of Barry and Max and led me to write the following homage to our fallen brothers. Perhaps these words may help you, as it helped me, embrace that our brothers never leave us - - they just speak to us in a different way:


The Voice of Our Brother

boots stand on morning dew

drums aligned to make their call

mist of grey across the hill

silence for the heart who fell


sticks raised to strike drum’s rim

life meets death in this sad song

rimshots sound the faithful call

honor to the brave and strong


another place another time

death again has struck its chord

sun filters through stained glass frowns

and people whisper “why, oh Lord?”


steeple bells sound their call

giving notice our brother lies still

men come walking from all around

Phi Taus joining to say farewell


faithful now as faithful then

brothers come remembering

holes in hearts so full of loss

darkness plucks its steady string


hear steps walk up center aisle

passing pews that house their pain

sounds of heels sing quietly

life and death meet here again


faithful come and soul finds way

steps, like sticks, sing out soul’s song

try to hear his clarion call

“i live, i’m here, my soul lives strong” 


hear the call to feel soul’s grace

dark can fade for morning’s dew

hearts yearn to hear his voice

soul seeps through grey mist in pew


in harvard red and old gold

in each twist of hearts that bind

our brother’s road does not end

his heart and ours here combined


his soul yearns for us to know

as brothers gather to console

each step we take remembering

will offer sound to brother’s soul


in silence listen close to hear

a message of a diff’rent way

brother’s soul lives on through us

brotherhood forever stays


sounds of heels loosen death’s grip

there soul reaches deep within

listen for our brother’s voice

where life meets death and always wins


As one brother honestly acknowledged to us last night, the passing of Barry and Max is very difficult to process. And so how best to do that? One way I am able to is in remembering that the passing of any one of our brothers calls upon me to revisit my roots as a Phi Tau. And so I urge all of us to let the legacy of the lives of Max, Barry, Chris and all other brothers who no longer walk among us be a call to all of us to embrace again and again the root of why we are Phi Taus - - to love each other - - to remember that our membership in our brotherhood is not driven by a call for more numbers, whether numbers of men, or money, or chapters, but rather it is driven by a desire for meaningful, lasting brotherhood in this wonderful fraternity.

We hurt today because we miss our brothers. Let us listen to the voice of their souls still within us and forever alive through our remembrance of that love. May God bless the souls of these men and all of us who loved them. 

With everlasting fraternal love,

“Mike” McCrum