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CEO Matt Arnold to Be Initiated into Phi Kappa Tau


CEO Arnold at the 65th National Convention.

[OXFORD, OH] We are pleased to announce the upcoming initiation of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity CEO, Matt Arnold. Arnold will be recognized as a member of the Beta Chi chapter of Phi Kappa Tau at Southern Illinois University – his alma mater.  

This initiation comes with unanimous support from the National Council, the Beta Chi Graduate Council, and the Beta Chi Resident Council. Originally initiated as a member of Alpha Tau Omega, Arnold will maintain dual membership with both organizations, a status that the current Alpha Tau Omega CEO Wynn Smiley also shares.  

“We’re very happy for Matt and are not surprised at the success he’s enjoying...” ATO CEO Smiley said while granting approval for Arnold to initiate into Phi Kappa Tau, “... [Alpha Tau Omega] applaud[s] the Board’s decision to give Matt the honor of initiating into Phi Kappa Tau.” 

Arnold will be initiated on Saturday April 13th in Indianapolis, which falls just over one year since his assumption of role of Fraternity CEO.  

See below for the full proclamation on behalf of the Phi Kappa Tau National Council or click here for a PDF version of the Proclamation.

WHEREAS, it is well-established that the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity seeks to admit men into membership who have demonstrated good moral character, wholesome living, vigorous thinking, a respect for the ideals and purposes of the Fraternity, and a desire to bring honor and credit to the Fraternity;

WHEREAS, Matthew Arnold began his association with the Fraternity in the Spring of 2023, and since that time the Fraternity’s National Council and numerous other Fraternity brothers have had an extensive opportunity to work closely with Matthew Arnold on a daily or weekly basis, travel with him, have extensive discussions with him about work issues, his family, and his views about life, observe him in many different professional, social and personal settings, and through this entire experience have found Matthew Arnold to have all the attributes of a man which make him well qualified to be a member of Phi Kappa Tau;

WHEREAS, Matthew Arnold was initiated as an undergraduate in the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity at Southern Illinois University. Accordingly, it was necessary for the National Council to secure the approval and consent of Alpha Tau Omega for him to be eligible for dual membership in both fraternities.

WHEREAS, upon the request of the Resident and Graduate Council members of the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Kappa Tau, having secured the enthusiastic endorsement of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity; and having discussed extensively and carefully all issues related to admitting Matthew Arnold into membership of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, the National Council on Oct 5th voted unanimously to extend  Matthew Arnold an invitation to be initiated as a Brother into the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity

NOW THEREFORE, be it known to all that the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity is proud and pleased to declare that Matthew Arnold heartily accepted the invitation to be initiated into our esteemed brotherhood, with such initiation ceremony to occur on the 13th day of April in the year 2024.

Given under our hands and the seal of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, this 28th day of February, 2024.

Michael McCrum

National President

Interested in attending the initiation? Email inquiries to