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Leadership Academy 2022 FAQ

Use this handy guide for an overview of frequently asked questions regarding this year’s Leadership Academy! Click here to register for the event.

Can we send more than 2 people?  

  • Yes, but your free registration would only apply to at most 2 people from your chapter. Any additional registrants would be charged $500 per registrant. 

Can my travel expenses be reimbursed? 

  • Yes. Your expenses accrued as a result of travel are 100% reimbursable via your chapter’s CEG. 

If I am flying, which airport should I fly into? 

  • We recommend flying into Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG). That is where the shuttle will be going to and from. 

If I am driving, will there be parking made available? 

  • Yes. Parking will be made available, but you will need to register your vehicle with the campus to ensure you are not ticketed. 

What time should I arrive on site on Thursday July 21st? 

  • Please plan to arrive no later than 1PM on Thursday. The program will begin at 2PM.

  • If you are flying, we recommend scheduling your flight to land at 11 AM or earlier. 

What time should I depart on Sunday July 24th? 

  • The program is slated to end at 1PM on Sunday. You may depart after this. 

  • If you are flying, we recommend scheduling your flight to depart at 4PM or later. 

Where can I check in on Thursday July 21st?  

  • Check in on Thursday will be at the residence hall, Han Hall.  

  • You will check in with one of the staff representatives from Miami to obtain your room key and check in with one of the Executive Office Staff members to obtain your leadership academy items. 

What time do I need to checkout on Sunday July 24th? 

  • Check out on Sunday will be communicated at the program, but the program is slated to end on Sunday, July 24th at 12PM.

Will there be a shuttle service to Oxford? 

  • There will be a shuttle that takes people to and from the airport to our event site in Oxford. 

Will lodging be provided? 

  • Yes, you will be staying in a dormitory on Miami University’s campus. 

Are meals going to be provided?  

  • Yes, we will be utilizing the dining hall located on campus. 

What does the time commitment look like for each day?   

  • The schedule each day, except for Thursday as the start day, has events starting at 9 AM and ending at 10PM. There are breaks worked in to avoid overload and allow time to decompress.  

Will there be a virtual component to Leadership Academy? 

  • There will not be any virtual components associated with leadership academy due to the in-person presence needed for the curriculum.  

What do I need to bring?  

  • Please be prepared to bring a laptop just in case you need it.  

  • Other items needed will be provided for you. 

What is the attire for the program? 

  • Attire for the program is casual. Shorts and t-shirts work just fine!

  • Please bring tennis shoes as there are some activities that will require you to wear closed-toed shoes. 

Will we be able to leave site at all? 

  • We do not recommend leaving Miami’s campus but should you need to leave site, please contact the event coordinator, Drake Berlin at 

What if I need to leave early or cannot stay for the entire program? 

  • We would prefer you stick around for the entirety of the program, which is why we recommend if you need to leave early, please inform the event coordinator Drake Berlin at

What other information should I know? 

  • We are excited to be bringing back Leadership Academy, this will be our first academy since 2019. 

  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Drake Berlin at