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How Do You Strengthen a Flourishing Organization?

This is a part of the Strategic Plan 2025 series, zooming in on each of the pillars of the plan and going into further detail on their importance. For the full Strategic Plan click here. 

Zeta Omicron Graduate at Arizona State

Strategic Plan Pillar: Establish a Best-in-Industry Operational and Financial Model 

Why: An organization can only run as thoroughly as its processes and operations allow. No matter the strength of our leadership and members, it is crucial that we develop methods to ensure their success. By following the OKR-walkthroughs listed below, we as an organization can fortify our finances and operations to sustain our success long into the future.   

How: Organization: we will work to implement improvements to staff and volunteer organization design, roles, and processes based on a Comprehensive Organizational Development Review. Execution: the goal is to achieve 80%+ of the Strategic Plan targets by 2025 and publish a progress scorecard to the membership each quarter. Housing: we can strengthen our organization by increasing the total housing equity (across all housing corporations and national entities) by 20% and increasing the number of members housed in fraternity facilities by 20%. Technology: the final step is to increase connectivity and communication by creating and implementing a Digital and Technology Strategic Plan.  

Nebraska Wesleyan Brothers at Growth Summit in Fort Worth, TX.

What can you do? Develop and maintain a vibrant, growing, and safe chapter – everything else relies on this! Review the Strategic Plan with your chapter and discuss how to incorporate its goals into your chapter goal setting and planning. Fully participate in the new and enhanced programs and resources that will emerge from the Strategic Plan’s initiatives. Provide your input and feedback, and keep track of! This is a living plan. For any thoughts on this pillar or the Strategic Plan contact