Make a Gift

Ways to Give  

Giving back to Phi Kappa Tau is one of the finest traditions of our Fraternity. The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation offers several methods of giving to suit your specific interests and needs. The Foundation offers a number of vehicles providing donors the chance to make an immediate difference or plan a long term gift. All of these options offer great tax benefits. We invite you to consider the many opportunities available.


An online gift is a quick and secure way to make a contribution to the Foundation. By visiting our giving site, you can make a one-time gift or establish a recurring monthly gift. The Foundation accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.


You can mail a check or credit card gift to the Foundation. Send all correspondence to:

Phi Kappa Tau Foundation
Ewing T. Boles Executive Offices
5221 Morning Sun Road
Oxford, Ohio 45056


Call (800) PKT-1906 and ask to speak to a member of the Foundation staff.

Automatic Fund Transfers

Regular automatic monthly bank or credit card drafts make giving to the Foundation more convenient to meet your philanthropic goals.

Appreciated Stock/Securities

Gifts of stock or appreciated securities offer a cash alternative to giving with great tax benefits to the donor.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many companies match their employee’s personal charitable contributions. Ask your employer if your company participates in a matching gift program and make the Foundation your nonprofit of choice.

Planned Gifts

The Foundation will work with you and your estate planner to design a planned gift that meets your short- and long-term financial goals. Planned gifts include, but are not limited to, cash, bonds, stock securities, personal property, retirement plan assets and insurance policies.

Life Insurance

The gift of life insurance can make a remarkable difference for a relatively small dollar investment in premium payments by you during your lifetime. The Foundation can be named as owner of the policy and as such the premiums paid qualify as a tax deductible gift or an existing policy can name the Foundation as the beneficiary. Benefits paid from such policies not only generate a substantial gift to the Foundation, but are not taxable as a part of your estate.

Pledged Gifts

If you do not have the cash or assets to make an outright gift to the Foundation, you can sign a pledge. This agreement allows you to make a philanthropic commitment to the Foundation and pay the gift over a certain period of time. Foundation policy states that pledge must be for more than $5,000 and for no more than 5 years.


You may establish a special named endowment fund or other gift naming opportunity to ensure your generosity makes an impact in perpetuity.

As you review these methods of giving, contact the Foundation staff for more detail.