
Success at Phi Tau Alumni Events

Two Phi Kappa Tau chapters have recently celebrated successful alumni events.

The first is the Omicron chapter at Penn State University. Omicron was re-colonized last fall and now boasts 45 colony members. The alumni gathering was organized by Ed Boger, Penn State ’62, a local BOG member. 

Penn State Alumni

Penn State Alumni

The other event was hosted by Sasha Kanevsky, Rutgers ’05, and Phil Frandina, RIT ’08, the two new Domain Directors for the Capital and New England regions, respectively, to celebrate the new structure of the Domain Director role. The event was held at Conolly’s in Manhattan. 

New England and Capital-area alumni

New England and Capital-area alumni

If your chapter has recently hosted a successful alumni event you can email to be featured.