Ferri as USC
February 14th, the day of love, is also recognized as National Organ Donor Day. National Organ Donor Day draws attention to five different types of donation – organs, tissue, marrow, platelets, and blood. Approximately every two seconds, there is someone in the United States who needs blood. This translates to 41,000 daily donations.
There are an estimated 114,000 on the waiting list for a lifesaving organ, and one of them is Phi Tau’s Gerard Ferri, Southern California ’76. Ferri has been involved with the broadcasting world for over 30 years. He is the founder of Safe and Secure TV channel, an internet broadcast channel, and the owner of Peak Performance Properties (P3), a company that specializes in intellectual training to improve focus.
Ferri has been on the waiting list for several years and is now in late-stage kidney failure. According to the American Transplant Foundation, 20 people die on average every day waiting for organs. About 6,000 living donations occur each year and one-in-four donors are not biologically related to the recipient.
Phi Tau places one of its core beliefs around being a good and loyal citizen. Consider today singing up to be an organ donor or give blood. Your small contribution will go far in the lives of many.
To find out more about Gerard Ferri’s quest and to see if you can be of assistance, email him here.