Social Distancing Tips from a Phi Tau Astronaut

Dr. Chiao on the ISS, with everything in its rightful place

Dr. Chiao on the ISS, with everything in its rightful place

Dr. Leroy Chiao, UC Berkeley ’79, who has spent a cumulative 229 days in space is no stranger to isolation.

After graduating from Berkeley and going on to obtain an M.S. and a Ph.D. from University of California – Santa Barbara, Chiao was recruited by NASA in 1990 where he worked and trained until he departed for his first mission in space in 1994. He would return to space three more times, eventually becoming Commander of Expedition 10 on the International Space Station for seven months.

Suffice to say, Chiao is used to spending extended periods of time in close-quarter contact with a small group of people.

A recent article by Forbes interviewed a handful of astronauts on their best-practice tips to deal with isolation. Chiao was among that group, saying:

 “In your own home, make sure that as much as possible things, you're in a state of good repair, and you're making your surroundings as comfortable as possible. Make sure the systems are working. Keep on top of malfunctions.”

In other words, make sure everything is in good working order and indulge yourself with a few comforts around the home to make you feel at ease.

Thanks for the advice, Dr. Chiao!

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