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It's Not Wrong, It's Wright: Delta Nu Returns

By Dalton Lee, Baldwin Wallace ’11

Members of the newly established Delta Nu.

The Phi Kappa Tau Expansion Team is on a roll! Following the success at Clemson, another team of newcomers is making waves in Dayton, Ohio. Domenic Mularo, Mount Union '19, and Danny Baldwin, Akron ’18, arrived in Dayton this October and have established an outstanding foundation for the revitalization of the Delta Nu chapter at Wright State University. Through diligent work, Mularo and Baldwin were able to recruit an associate class of 11 men, holding the ceremony on November 12th.  With this strong start, there is hope that the chapter will be able to continue gathering new members throughout the Spring and next Fall, reaching around the campus average (mid-twenties).  

The first crucial win for this project was simply getting the name Phi Kappa Tau back onto the university’s campus. Historically one of the stronger fraternities on campus, the Delta Nu chapter has a rich history in a thriving greek community. The success of this project was strongly aided by the fraternity and sorority advisor, Gina Keucher, and the Panhellenic community. With the help of Keucher, Mularo and Baldwin were able to recruit their first new member and current chapter president, Dylan Collison, Wright State AM. Other key members in the current chapter are Kadyn Beckman, Wright State AM, Dominic Deluca, Wright State AM, and Donnell Smith, Wright State AM. These men were instrumental in boosting group morale and providing support and assistance to our recruiters throughout the project. The team was also thankful for Delta Nu graduate, Zac Ganger, Wright State '12, for connecting them with alumni around the area and Brooke Leppla, a Wright State-Zeta Tau Alpha alumni, for providing strong connections with the past group of Delta Nu men.  

Through their tireless work, Mularo and Baldwin have established a foundation on which this chapter can grow in the years to come. When ask what Delta Nu would need to do to be successful, the duo stated, “From what we have already seen out of the group, all of the current members have taken the initiative to research their positions, the fraternity, and how they can better the organization within Delta Nu. If they continue on this path, this chapter will easily be able to find success in the future.”