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Phi Kappa Tau Foundation Fall Updates

The Phi Kappa Tau Foundation has been on quite a hot streak as of late, and the diligent work of the Foundation staff, trustees, and donors continues to build upon the support they can provide to our Fraternity. This streak includes a historic approval of funds for our Fraternity; a huge step in the effort to provide transparency in Foundation operations; a monumental bequest from a Nu chapter brother and his wife; and the launch of our most ambitious campaign to date, which continues to grow in numbers and excitement each day.

Zenith 2023 attendees. This year’s Zenith 2024 attendees will have the added benefit of the Foundation’s grant in support of their event.

As you may now know, the weekend of October 13th marked a significant moment in the Foundation’s journey, as the Trustees convened for their Fall meeting and unanimously approved a grant of $310,000 to the National Fraternity. This grant will not only go toward educational programs like Zenith Officer Institute, Leadership Academy, and Regional Conference, but also support the new Mental Health Awareness Initiatives being developed. The impact this grant will have on our undergraduate brotherhood cannot be understated, and the opportunities it provides to our Fraternity will build upon the tools already in place.  

As we continue to build upon a new era of accountability and transparency, the Foundation is proud to announce the posting of its last three years of audits and 990s on the Phi Kappa Tau website, with direct accessibility through a link to GuideStar. This significant step in financial disclosure has resulted in GuideStar awarding the Foundation their prestigious Gold Star Standard in reporting—recognizing the Foundation's commitment to integrity in its operations.

Alan Airoldi

Alan Airoldi, UC Berkeley '57, entered the Chapter Eternal in 2017, and was survived by his wife, Kathleen “KK” Dole-Airoldi, until she passed away in December of 2022. Following the passing of Kathleen, the Foundation received an unexpected bequest totaling $430,000. Their impactful gift played a crucial role in enabling the substantial grant to the Fraternity. Notably, a significant portion of this gift will be preserved in perpetuity in a named endowed fund, honoring the Dole-Airoldi Family and the Nu chapter at Cal-State Berkley.

Jamie Day addresses the crowd at the Boles 1000 event in Columbus, Ohio.

The Foundation's momentum and dedication to progress were further highlighted with the launch of the Boles 1000 Initiative, aiming to secure 1000 Boles Society members with an average of 11.8 members per chapter. This initiative was inaugurated at an event hosted by Chris Corso, Ohio State '90, and Boles 1000 Chairman, Jamie Day, Ohio State ’89, on the ominous but serendipitous Friday the 13th in Columbus at Standard Hall Live. The evening was a celebration of the essence and values of Phi Kappa Tau, attended by over 70 individuals who share a passion for the fraternity's enduring mission of lifelong ties to brotherhood. 

The event proved to be an inspiration, drawing in 12 new gifts and pledges that evening alone. Presently, the Foundation proudly boasts 23 Boles 1000 Champions, demonstrating the commitment and support of brothers who share the collective aspiration for a stronger, more impactful Phi Kappa Tau community. The Foundation continues to stride forward, propelled by the generosity and dedication of its supporters. Each milestone achieved further solidifies the Foundation's commitment to nurturing an environment where Phi Kappa Tau members thrive and succeed. 

In the spirit of unity and progress, the Foundation expresses profound gratitude to all contributors, supporters, and friends whose altruistic spirits are shaping a brighter future for the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. These periodic updates will come as the good news continues to roll in.