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Phi Kappa Tau Flourishes: A Remarkable Growth Update

Epsilon Nu chartering.

It's with immense pride and excitement that we share the growth and achievements from within our fraternity over the past few months. Dedication and commitment to excellence have propelled us to new heights, and we couldn't be more thrilled about the future of Phi Kappa Tau. To date, our Fraternity has grown year-over-year by 25%—an astounding metric for our organization and industry. Part of this semester’s success is due to the implementation of the Phi Tau Growth System, which helped 68% of our chapters that used it to reach or exceed their goals. There were notable achievements all over the country, but unfortunately, we cannot share each individual one, so we will highlight some of the most thrilling developments from our chapters.  

Men of Delta Gamma.

Phi Tau men were recruiting with an unmatched veracity this Fall. Judging by the metric of sheer numbers alone, our top three performers were: Delta Gamma at Ole Miss, Delta Kappa at Tennessee, and Beta Beta at Louisville. Delta Gamma welcomed a staggering 110 associates, boasting 188 total members; Beta Beta added 40 associates, now with 116 members in tow; and Delta Kappa recruited 51 associates, resulting in 161 active members. 

However, we know that Phi Kappa Tau stretches to campuses—big and small—all over the country, and our men from those smaller institutions certainly pulled their weight. There’s nothing more rewarding than setting a goal and meeting it. That is, unless you set a goal and vastly exceed it! Zeta Zeta at Illinois—Springfield, Zeta Gamma at San Jose, and Beta Gamma at Idaho all surpassed their respective recruitment goals by over 150%. Phi at Bethany and Epsilon at Mount Union have demonstrated a transformative revitalization, with 52% and 50% of their chapters being new members, respectively. Phi has seen its numbers surge from 14 to 29 members, while Epsilon has grown from 18 to an impressive 36 members.  

Let's extend a loud HOORAH to some of our newest groups; Epsilon Nu at Clemson, Gamma Eta at East Carolina, and Delta Nu at Wright State demonstrated their commitment to building a lasting legacy by achieving remarkable success in their inaugural year. Epsilon Nu surpassed their goal with 99 members reported, Gamma Eta achieved 62 members, and Delta Nu reached 18 members—all exceeding their respective targets. 

Beta Nu men.

As it stands, we've added 1,253 associates, bringing our average chapter size from 44 to 49 members. Additionally, four new associate chapters have been established at Beta Nu at San Diego, Alpha Xi at WVU, Beta Tau at Bowling Green, and Dayton There are now promising interest groups at Texas Tech and Texas A&M, as well as expansion projects at Arizona and St. Louis planned for the Spring. This has been one of the most exciting and impactful semesters in the history of Phi Kappa Tau, and we cannot wait to keep the momentum going for many years to come!  

The dedication of our undergraduate brothers, alumni, volunteers, and staff cannot be understated. Here's to the continued success and prosperity of our fraternity!