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Phi Kappa Tau Reaches Largest Average Chapter Size in Years

51. What does that number mean to you? This year, for Phi Kappa Tau, it means growth. Chapters across the board did remarkably well in their recruitment efforts this Fall which buoyed the average chapter size of our organization to 51 members per chapter.  

Chapters like Gamma Beta at Cincinnati played a major role in our overall growth success!

This, of course, is just one metric we look at to determine the health of our organization and doesn’t paint the full picture. To give some context, our previous average chapter size was typically in the mid-40s for the past several years. With a current undergraduate base of 4,145 members, we are seeing significant improvement and sustainability in overall membership growth.  

Zooming in, we saw several individual chapters achieve great success with their recruitment numbers. Among them, Alpha Lambda at Auburn took in a strong 50-man associate class and initiated 100% of their new members. Gamma Beta at Cincinatti had one of their largest associate member classes in years, taking in 20 members. Gamma Psi at Texas State took in 36 men after rejoining their campus’ Interfraternity Council. Lambda chapter at Purdue had perhaps the most dramatic turnaround in membership size, growing from just under 10 members to 78 members this fall.  

Expansion chapters like Gamma Omicron at Cal State Fullerton are integral to overall organizational growth.

Our growth efforts were also supported by the creation of new chapters led by the executive offices Growth Team. New chapters were re-established at Cal State Fullerton (Gamma Omicron), Texas A&M (Epsilon Alpha), and our newest restart at SUNY Oswego (Epsilon Eta). Gamma Omicron and Epsilon Alpha began with 37 associates thanks to the onsite presence of the growth teams.  

Growth Consultants will be sent to SUNY Oswego and UC Davis in the Spring, in addition to continually supporting chapters with their growth efforts. The revolutionary Recruitment Services Initiative (RSI) has proven to be a massive success for our chapters, and we can’t wait to see how we will continue to grow year after year. Looking to the future, our growth team continues to look to improve our chapters’ growth effort through the implementation of the Phi Kappa Tau Growth system and educating men onsite in Chicago this year at this year’s Zenith Officer Institute.  

If you or a leader of your chapter is looking to see how they can continue to enhance their recruitment systems, please reach out to the Associate Director of Organizational Growth via email at

(The Growth Team Consists of: Hunter Pemberton (Director of Organizational Growth), Ryan Callahan (Associate Director of Organizational Growth), Zak Belbina (Senior Growsh Consultant), Noah Shipley (Senior Growth Consultant))