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Covid-19 and chapter operations

The Phi Kappa Tau Executive Offices are closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak as it unfolds. Currently every campus with a Phi Tau colony or chapter has been affected by the outbreak. We are providing guidance to chapters, advisors, and campus professionals and constantly adding new information as the situation unfolds.

As we proceed through this unprecedented time, you can access our ongoing resource library here. Check back for updates as we learn more.

If you would like to speak to someone at the Executive Offices view our Contact Page for the best staff member to reach.

The Borradaile Challenge has been updated to accommodate the impact the outbreak has had on our chapters’ ability to hit certain performance metrics. To see visit the Borradaile Challenge Page to view the updated metrics.


[updated 5/15/2020] summer programs:

Unfortunately after a long consideration and a motion circulated to Resident Councils, National Convention has been postponed. In addition, all summer Leadership Academies have been canceled as well. Read the statement regarding further details and action steps.

Read our Letter from the CEO

Member health and safety is and remains our number one priority. Read this letter from CEO Tim Hudson, Truman State ‘97, about how we are supporting chapters and colonies during this period of uncertainty and our commitment to adhering to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.

[updated 5/15/2020] Read our FAQs

Chapter activities, new member orientation, initiations, and National Programs are all being affected by the spread of Covid-19. Read this FAQ to find out answers to your questions.

Everything is canceled, now what?

View this information library on ways to stay connected, focusing on financial responsibility, support and service, and other upcoming resources from Phi Tau


Please review the Chapter Services department’s plan of action regarding bill pay, extensions, and late payments throughout this period. Chapter Services is operating at 100% capacity so feel free to reach out with additional questions and concerns.


Review our suggestions for housing in respects to CDC and campus guidelines, preparing for short and long term closures, quarantine standards, resources for vacancy and action taken by the North American InterFraternity Conference (NIC).